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    Saturday, September 20, 2008

    PSPALMASTER on Youtube

    Finally i've announced my website to youtube. WATCH IT!

    Friday, September 19, 2008

    Love vs PSP?

    I've heard and seen plenty of cases when people, attracted from their PSP, do not pay attention to their girlfriend (e.g) in a date. Also when there is a birthday party, people pay attention to hteir favourite game which are playing and not to the person who's having his birthday. For me this kind of behauvior is not acceptable in these cases, and even if you are winning against a difficult opponent you must turn it off, or even not to get it with yourself. Then your girlfriend will divvy you. LOL.

    Anyway do what you want, this was just my opinion.

    Thursday, September 18, 2008

    Downgrading with a pandora battery (Youtube Video)

    What is CFW (Custom Firmware)

    A CFW is a system software for psp created by the psp hacker Dark Alex which makes the psp run homebrew application. In simple words, without a CFW, you can't put your psp games on your memory card, because it won't work.
    Every PSP comes with an installed custom firmware. The CFW will be installed on that psp only if the psp is downgraded to 1.50 official firmware using a pandora battery and magic memory stick. On a CFW you can really experience all the beautiful features that the psp offers. Anyway every application installed, has a specified risk of bricking the psp (or to turn the psp unusable). So it is very important to read the tutorials first, before doing anything on your psp.

    Here is a list of recently CFW created by Dark Alex:

    3.52 m33, -1, -2, -3, -4
    3.60 m33
    3.71 m33, -1, -2, -3, -4
    3.80 m33, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5
    3.90 m33, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5
    4.01 m33, -1, -2

    Wednesday, September 17, 2008

    Why PSP? Frequently asked question.

    Wy to choose PSP, and not the other game consoles like Nintendo DS or Gameboy? Well, here are the reasons:

    1. The PSP is very beautiful from outside
    2. The graphics are much more better than the DS.
    3. On a PSP you can listen to music like an mp3, watch to videos and movies like an mp4, and play games, all in only one simple machine.
    4. The PSP can be hacked in many ways and are plenty of programs which you can install (only in CFW, which i will explain it on other posts). One of my faveourite is iRshell.
    5. Memory cards : 128 mb, 256 mb, 512 mb, 1 gb, 2gb, 4gb, 8gb,16gb, and 32 gb*.

    So what are you waiting for. Go to the nearest electronic shop and buy one of this miracles. No lies!

    *It's not released yet, but it's excepted soon.

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    Hi everyone, i'm Titi and i'm a psp fan and this is my blog. Here you will find news, features and links for games etc. all about PSPs. So have fun here.


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