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    Sunday, February 22, 2009

    PSP homebrew game: Kill All Gnomes (beta)

    If, for some bizarre reason, you have something against all things gnomish, then let your fears come to rest. Kill All Gnomes from MrX256 is a homebrew game that lets you release all your pent up anger against the gnomes by waging an all-out war against them - Command & Conquer style super weapons and all.

    Oh those poor Gnomes wouldn't know what hit 'em!

    Do note that this is just the initial release - a beta. Which means there are some bugs and other limitations to the game. Currently, the super weapons include Airstrike, Ion Cannon, and Nuclear Missiles. As for other notes from MrX256:


    It is still in beta stage so not everything works correctly (like the nukes) and there aren't any textures for the gnomes yet. There is no audio or a second stage, but this is the first release.


    It requires LUA Player HM6 and comes bundled with it in .PBP form for easy installation. Should be PSP 1000 & 2000 series compatible. Use 3.XX/5.XX kernel.

    Now since this is on beta, you guys might have lots of things to suggest to MrX256. Yeah, there might not be a lot to expect with this release as of now, but once this gets updates - dood, encourage the devs! - we could see this project grow even more. Drop by the forums to hit it up with MrX256!

    Download: Kill All Gnomes (beta)

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