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    Tuesday, March 31, 2009

    Ultimate VSH Menu v1.06: Full VSH Menu

    Homebrew dev Total_Noob is back with an update to Ultimate VSH Menu, plugging a "perfect" recovery menu. This version has bug fixes as well as several new features, and is now fully compatible with CFW 5.00 M33-6. Here's the changelog:

    Changelog v1.06:
    • Now you can select "EXIT" to exit recovery menu with save
    • "Run program at /PSP/GAME/RECOVERY/EBOOT.PBP" work now
    • Exit recovery menu without save, with SELECT or HOME
    • Added "AUTORUN PROGRAM" to autoboot program at /PSP/GAME/BOOT/EBOOT.PBP
    • Added a function to fix the "Autorun program at /PSP/GAME/BOOT/EBOOT.PBP" function
    • Fixed all bugs of the Ultimate VSH Menu
    • Compatible 100% with the CFW 5.00 M33-6
    • It's now almost similar to the M33 VSH Menu
    • Alpha color function
    • After change CPU speed, the cpu speed is changed
    • After change usb device, you can connect the usb with the current device
    • Show current battery serial
    • Now, you must only press LEFT and RIGHT to select the battery serial
    • Exit Ultimate VSH Menu with HOME is possibility
    • Added a simple installer for noobs
    • Sorry for my english, because I'm from Switzerland
    Download: Ultimate VSH Menu v.1.06

    PSP homebrew: Netfront Internet Browser (beta)

    If you're one to heavily use your PSP's browser, you must have come across certain limitations. This homebrew browser mod allows you to curtail that restriction. Netfront Internet Browser from Team P86 (the same guys who did PMP VLC Player) allows you to use a huge chunk of your PSP's memory to have an easier time browsing.

    Says coder Ardatan:
    • You know, Sony limits our memory in Internet Browser. So we cannot play big flash games and open big web sites.
    • This mod removes this limitation. And you can use all of the memory that your PSP has.
    • If your PSP is Fat, the HighMemMod uses all of 32 MB RAM.
    • If your PSP is Slim, the HighMemMod uses all of 64 MB RAM!!!
    Note that this app is still in beta so there are limitations and maybe some bugs here and there. For now, you can try it out, check out how it works, if there's going to be any difference in page loading. If you got any feedback, suggestions, and/or questions, head over to the forums through the link below.

    Download: Netfront Internet Browser

    Monday, March 30, 2009

    Saturday, March 28, 2009

    DiRT 2 - Debut teaser, new features

    Here we've got the video debut teaser for Codemasters' DiRT 2, and it's looking duuurty sweet! Thanks to Guy Pearce's (Codemasters brand director) video interview, we're given a little more insight as to how this franchise installment will roll. The first one is a tough act to follow after all.

    It seems too like these guys are really good listeners, cos most of the improvements and tweaks they did to DiRT 2 is taken from comments and feedback of players from the first game. A few of the things he discussed are the following:
    • Rally Cross - feedback said there weren't enough in part 1, so with this one, they'll be bringing in even more massive stadiums
    • Damage - feedback said that while it's all about damaging the car, sometimes it affected performance of the game. To work around this, they added in a segment where damage will only be visual and cosmetic, but will not affect the handle of your wheel.
    • Online mode - the whole game will be online
    If you want to see the full video:

    Do I smell something massive cooking? Yes, yes, I do. DiRT 2 will be driving off to PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, PSP and DS on September 2009. Here's the vid

    guy pearce brand director codemasters

    rally-cross - there wasnt enough in part 1, in part 2 more massive stadiums
    all about damaging cars
    included damage that will only be visual, and not affecting actual performance in the game
    online mode - whole game will be online
    sept 09

    Friday, March 27, 2009

    Potential-but-not-really PSP-3000 exploit found in Phantasy Star Portable

    Developer wololo (author of Wagic, the Homebrew?!) put up a very interesting guide on how to find savegame exploits in PSP games, a very valuable thing to find while the quest is still on to hack the 3000.

    In his guide, he cited an attempt by a fellow going by the handle yyoossk to find an exploit in Phantasy Star Portable using the same method that was used to find the exploit in GripShift.

    While the results weren't spectacular, they're still interesting, if only for a point of discussion. The attempt to exploit Phantasy resulted in crashing the PSP (which is a good thing when looking for exploits), except, it didn't yield any usable results.

    So was it a fruitless effort? Wololo explains:

    Not exactly [useless], it is a bug, so there might be a way to exploit it, but when a jump is not obvious, you’ll spend less time looking for a crash in another game and try again, really. Looking for a jump that might not even exist is not fun and could take hundreds of hours, it’s just not worth it.

    [...] When someone comes with a potential exploit, you can be sure some serious guys will give it a try if it’s worth it. If after a few weeks there is no “serious” discussion on the issue (involving code or “proof of concept”files), you should lower your hopes.

    Useless exploit? Only time will tell. For now, budding coders will benefit from taking a look at the guide, which offers a very good look into the world of exploit hunting. Read it after the source link.

    Thursday, March 26, 2009

    GDC: iPhone is better than the PSP and the DS, says ngmoco

    Mudslinging between Sony and Microsoft seems to be playing second fiddle these days to mudslinging between the PSP and the iPhone.

    The war between the two devices continues on during GDC, where ngmoco's co-founder Neil Young says that Apple's brainchild is "better than the DS, better than the PSP." Oh look he took a hit at Nintendo too. Pretty bold for the leader of a relatively new games company. ngmoco was founded in June 2008, releasing its first two games in October, and another four games since then.

    Young points out that iPhone sales has already beat sales of the DS and PSP upon their original release. He continues digging it into Sony and Nintendo:

    [The iPhone is] always on, always with you [and] most importantly from a business standpoint, there were no first-party games.

    Don't let the haters tell you it sucks compared to the DS or the PSP. It doesn't. It's good. It's clear that the quality of iPhone games is eclipsing its [portable] console counterparts, and that's even more acute when you compare it against the prior generation.

    He points out that "graphics and sound alone do not a great game experience make," but because of the iPhone's native device functionality which is to be constantly connected, this gives it an edge over its competition. He cites in particular their new game Livefire, which will feature online multiplayer, social features, and online commerce.

    He does make a point, the iPhone does have an edge with its connectivity, which is the strength of the appstore. But connectivity just can't beat good hardware and a good game library. The iPhone is just a powerful phone with a few good games. To say that an edge in connectivity makes it the better game machine may be too large a claim.

    Young concludes: "We're at the center of the new everything. The iPhone has revolutionized everything."

    Wednesday, March 25, 2009

    PSP homebrew - Box2D rev. 205

    Here's a little something for the 2D game developers out there in PSP homebrew land. Drakon has posted the newest revision of Box2D, a 2D physics library, on the QJ.NET PSP Development forum.

    Drakon says that this version has been optimized for use with PSPs and uses VFPU for math. The download also contains a TestBed source and a compiled demo. I'm no dev, so if you know your way around code feel free to download and try out Box2D in your own projects.

    Oh, Drakon also posted a video showing off the compiled demo. Check it out below. If you have any questions about Box2D (or any PSP coding questions for that matter), drop by the QJ.NET PSP Development forums.

    Download: Box2d rev. 205

    PSP homebrew: iR Shell v5.0 released in its full multi-tasking glory

    Finally, it's the big five-oh! AhMan has released that uber cool "advanced multi-tasking" iR Shell he was teasing us with last month! For most of you, it doesn't need any introduction, but for those who want to see a preview of what this baby can do, here (again) is the video from last month:

    Now that we're out of the 4.x versions of iR Shell, you can assume that this jump to a 5.x is huge. If what you see in the video isn't enough, then I don't know what is. Now since this is the first release of the 5.x versions, we've taken the liberty to post right here all of AhMan's release notes.

    Usage Notes:
    1. Before you can use the Advanced Multi-tasking, you'll need to enable the option "Slim Advanced Multi-tasking" under iR Configurator.
    2. You can load 2 Applications to the 2 memory slots in the Slim. Slot 1 is the usual memory area for loading applications (the lower 32MB RAM); while slot 2 is the new memory area (the upper 32MB RAM only available on Slim).
    3. By default, the 1st app will be loaded in slot 1, and the 2nd app will load in slot 2 automatically. To force the 1st app to load in slot 2, hold Left-Trigger while lauching an application under the confirmation popup window.
    4. The typical app switch toggle "L-Trigger + Select" or the alternate key "Vol Up + Select" will allow you to toggle between the 2 apps and iR Shell. New key combos "L-Trigger + Note" or "Vol Up + Note" will allow you to switch between the 2 apps without going back to iR Shell screen. Pls note pressing the Note button alone (without L-Trigger) will act as the screen capture button. The alternate Vol Up combo keys perform exactly the same as L-Trigger key and is provided as an alternative.
    5. Normally, when you exit 1 of the 2 apps, it will cause the PSP to reboot, meaning you'll also lose the other running app. This can be resolved by adding unloading support into the application itself. However, this will require modification of the app to perform resource cleanup and self-unloading upon exit. All iR Shell bundled plugins have been enhanced to support unloading, such that they can be terminated without affecting the other running app. To exit these plugins gracefully, use the exit function build into the app itself. For example, to exit bookr, press START and choose Exit menu item. iR Shell disables the standard Home exit menu while 2 apps are running. To exit both apps together, use "Home + Square" instead.
    Compatibility Notes:
    • Not all apps can be loaded to Slot 2. There're two types of program binary format for PSP, static ELF and relocatable PRX. Static ELF uses fix memory address and can't be relocated. Hence, they will only work when loading in slot 1. If you try to load a static ELF in slot 2, you'll get an error code "0x800200D9". PRX can be loaded in either slot 1 or 2. To convert a homebrew from ELF to PRX, you'll need to re-compile it with BUILD_PRX=1 and set the heap size with PSP_HEAP_SIZE_KB(-800) in the source file. Most static ELF homebrews can be converted to relocatable PRX simply by recompilation.
    • There is a limitation on the PSP AVC hardware decoder which is for video playback. It cannot be accessed by more than 1 application; which means you can't have 2 applcations running together if both of them access the AVC hardware decoder.
    • The bundled plugins should be able to coexist with most other apps; with the exception of the PPA plugin which can only coexist with another app which doesn't use the AVC hardware decoder.
    • You can't have both slots loading UMD/ISOs, due to there is only 1 physical UMD drive and ISOs are simply emulating the UMD.
    • PS1 games take exclusive use on the audio hardware. As a result, it will be incompatible with other apps that use audio.
    • The launch XMB function may not be stable for most commercial games due to resource conflicts. However, it should be pretty compatible with most homebrews. On the other hand, the Sony Web Browser should work with most commercial games & homebrews. To browse Internet while running another app, you can use the iR Shell bundled htmlviewer which is the Sony Web browser.
    • If an app is built with PSP_LARGE_MEMORY flag and you're trying to load it in slot 1 (first app), it will use all Slim memory and you won't be able to load a 2nd app. To allow it to co-exist with other apps, you'll need to load it in slot 2.
    • This will probably be incompatible with DA's LEDA if you're trying to run 2 apps requring 2 different kernels.
    • This Advanced Multi-tasking feature is incompatible with Interlaced TV Out for slim due to insufficient memory. Progressive TV Out should work fine.
    • If you get an error "0x800200D9" while loading an app to slot 2, it's a static ELF and you'll need to load it in slot 1. That is, reverse the order of the 2 applications you're loading.
    Additional Note:
    • The bundled bookr plugin is based on the original v0.71. If you want to use the recent v0.81 mod by Nguyen Chi Tam, you can download it from forum.
    • You can find most of the plugin source code in plugin forum. If you want to add unloading support to a homebrew, you can refer to these samples.
    Special thanks to:
    • Dark_AleX for the M33 custom firmwares and his assistance during iR Shell development.
    • Tyranid and other developers in for creating the pspsdk.
    • F34R, Osgeld, StoneCut and other moderators who keep running and providing technical support to the community.
    • All iR Shell beta testers, donators, skins & plugin contributors.
    • M33 Custom firmware & popsloader are developed by Dark_AleX/M33.
    • remotejoy & usbhostfs are developed by Tyranid.
    • iR Shell bundled skins & plugins are developed by their corresponding authors.
    • iR Shell Manual & FAQs are written by StoneCut.
    Kudos to AhMan for a grrrrrrrrrreat release!
    Note: This release is for Slim&Lite ONLY!!!

    Download: iRShell v5.0

    Tuesday, March 24, 2009

    JPCSP v0.2 revision 955: UMD drive issue fix

    A new version is out for JPCSP, the Java-based PSP emulator for the PC. JPCSP allows you to play homebrew and commercial games. Although it is compatible with a lot of games, there's no full list of compatible games released just yet - but you can check this thread to see what games others have already tried.

    This version fixes a UMD drive issue, though no further details on the implications of the fix were released. Downloader1122 was kind enough to give us the details on the UMD fixes starting from r954. Note though that it doesn't mean they work (thanks dude):

    r954 UMD fixes for:
    • Fifa Soccer
    • MVP Baseball
    • Need For Speed Most Wanted
    • Need For Speed Underground Rivals
    • Taiko no Tatsujin Portable
    • Tiger Wood PGA Tour
    • SSX On Tour
    • Shutoku Battle Zone Of Control
    r955 attempted fix (actually is broken):
    • Castlevania X
    r956 UMD fixes for:
    • Armored Core Formula Front
    • Chessmaster The Art of Learning
    • Dungeon Maker: Hunting Ground
    • Final Fantasy VII - Crisis Core
    • Giren no Yabou Axis no Kyoui
    • Gundam Battle Tactics
    • Yu-gi-oh GX tag Force
    r957 fixes for r955:
    • Castlevania X
    Download: JPCSP v0.2 revision 955

    PopStation PSP v1.0: for conversion on the go

    PSP homebrew developer SuperFury1 has released PopStation PSP. As the name suggests, it's a port of the PopStation application that runs on the PSP. PopStation is an app that converts PSOne games to work on the PSP.

    It's only been tested on 5.00 M33-4, but it's a good start. Here are the release notes:

    popstation is a pc application that converts a PSX ISO/BIN to a PSX EBOOT. The package can be found on my site. Within the package there's also a manual (manual.txt). To install, simply copy the folder in the package to you PSP GAME folder.

    Just go to the psp -> links and find the download. (POPStation PSP)

    All there's left is to test it in different firmwares. I know it works under cfw 5.00m33-4 (that's the one i used).

    If you have any questions on the app or if you wish to discuss it further, you can visit our forums after the link below.

    Download: PopStation PSP v1.0

    Monday, March 23, 2009

    PSP homebrew - BakonICE v2.1 now compatible with Fireteam Bravo 1

    BakonICE, NoEffex's homebrew cheat device for SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 2, has just been given an upgrade and is now also compatible with Fireteam Bravo 1 thanks to some porting work by computermatt.

    The compatibility's not yet one hundred percent, though. According to NoEffex, it's stable and doesn't freeze but it still has a few buggy features. Anyway, here's the changelog for BakonICE v2.1:
    • Ported to ftb1, lots doesn't work
    • Uses a strapper so that it loads either ftb1 or ftb2 for you. It takes about twice as long to start up, so if it doesn't come up when you hit the menu, wait a minute.
    • Took out the animated name thingamabob for now, it was causing problems. I'll put it back in eventually
    • Added a mic hijacker - makes your mic emit sounds close to that of a broken cat
    Thanks to NoEffex for telling us about the new release!

    Download: BakonICE v2.1

    Nanodesktop 0.3.7: support for Python, PSP serial port, more

    Pegasus2000 has released a new version of Nanodesktop, the popular SDK for homebrew devs. This version has several bug fixes as well as three important new features, including support for Python and the PSP serial port.

    Here's the changelog:
    • Added support for Python interpreter
    • Added support for PSP serial port (ndSerialDriver.Prx)
    • Fixed a missing symbol that avoided ndOpenCV compilation
    • Fixed an incorrect interaction between time() and PSP firmware
    • Fixed an error in the scripts for the command line under Linux (SIFT, ndFLite)
    • Fixed a bug in ndSIFT library
    • Fixed an historical bug in TIFF saving
    • Extended ndINFO interface
    You can grab the file by visiting the source link below. If you have any questions or if you wish to discuss the app further, you can visit our forums by clicking the link below.

    Download: Nanodesktop 0.3.7

    Sunday, March 22, 2009

    There will be retribution! Resistance devs comment on PSP piracy and online cheaters

    So whatever happened during the dev chat scheduled a few days ago for Resistance: Retribution? Well, most of it had generic questions from the fans: talk of Infected Mode and whether it's actually part of story canon (watch the ending!), plans for DLC (none!), PSP-to-PS3 connectivity, and other matters.

    Here are a couple interesting exchanges between the fans and the devs (namely John Garvin and Chris Reese) at Sony Bend. The first has someone asking about how piracy affects them, while the second one has someone asking about the people who've been cheating online:

    [Comment From KingsoraBe]

    It really hurts me to see awesome PSP games selling bad because of piracy. What do you guys think about that your games get downloaded. Does it hurt when you see people talking about a downloader version of your game. Because even as a gamer I really hate it that people play the game in this way.

    John Garvin: King: I wish pirates / players understood how much they were hurting developers on the PSP. If a dev can't make money on a platform, they won't put money into the games. For every game they pirate -- especially if it's a game they *finish* and had fun with and a game they go online with -- it hurts our ability to make a similar game next time.

    [Comment From muhu] What are you going to do with those who cheat online? I've grown tired of encountering them in every other match I play.

    Chris Reese: We are actively looking into the online cheating and logging information on the cheaters. There will be Retribution!

    Take note that this dev chat happened the other day, right after Retribution just got released. And even at that time, the devs already knew about the online cheaters. If you happen to be one of them, beware, beware, beware!

    Saturday, March 21, 2009

    PSP homebrew - prxutility++ v7.0

    It's NeoFlash Sping Compo season and that's why we're getting a homebrew shower! Besides, game news has been dry anyway, so here's another entry from pspflashsystem. It's his latest update for prxutility, the handy plugin that gives you your PSP info straight up.
    Changelog for v7.0: (I'll put it here verbatim since I couldn't quite understand the grammar, no offense, dude)
    • Code more improved
    • Therefore, now prxutility++ is more optimized: I've solved some problems of ram and this version do the same thing of the latest versions but it's handled better PSP. Indeed:
    • prxutility++ manage better its threads and prxutility++ load the configuration after 8 seconds
    • so before this delay you can't use functions of prxutility++ for more security ;)
    • An automatic installer is now available for the neo competition. So, I included the splashscreen with a cool effect :)
    • You can now write 100 lines maximum in the text Editor
    Download: prxutility++ v7.0

    PSP homebrew for stressed people: Smash My PSP! v1.0

    If you need to release some pent up stress, why not take it out on your PSP XMB? Well, not literally of course. Virtually, Smash My PSP! allows you to use various "weapons" to... ahem, decorate your lovely lovely PSP screen. (Kinda like Desktop Destroyer and XMB Destroyer)

    This homebrew comes from zeroxorxdiexskater (care of n00bionaire, who posted it on our forums) with the following notes:
    • This game features the ability to switch between four different weapons although this list is always increasing.
    • You can also change the background so you can change it up a bit.
    • Of course you can also make a screenshot of your masterpiece with ease.
    • The foundation for this game is basically finished, further releases will most likely feature weapon and background updates.
    • I also understand that there is a very similar game called "XMB Destroyer". I was out of the scene and did not know of this, I am not copying the creator of that in any way.

    • Excuse me while I try to get a shot of Fah Zakpon and Pop Bean from Patapon 2 into this homebrew so I can take out my pent up rage against them. Man, if I had a dollar Ka-Ching for every time I missed catching those veggies... Ugh. Take that, you overgrown vegetable of vanity! "Oh oh ah ah" your way through that! Rawr.
    Download: Smash My PSP V1.0

    Thursday, March 19, 2009

    Rumor: PSP getting a price cut too?

    Get your salt shakers ready, here comes another price cut rumor. According to a major UK high street retailer, a PS3 price cut isn't the only thing that they've received word about. Apparently, a price drop for the PSP is also incoming.

    Speaking to CVG, the retailer said that the price cut has "been on the cards for a while, but manufacturers are not in the habit of giving exact dates so as not to effect sales ".

    Don't get your hopes up yet, though. If you'll recall, the PS3 price cut rumor was defused when a new 80GB PS3 bundle was spotted. Sony may well come up with a new bundle for the PSP in lieu of a price cut too.

    PSP homebrew - Wagic 0.5.1

    Developer Walolo has updated his homebrew game which was based from the popular card game that he'd rather not mention. Hint: this brew is called, Wagic: The Homebrew. Fans of the card game will get a good kick out of this one, allowing you to build your own deck without having to spend wads of cash on them, or worrying about the damage that the cards sustain while playing.Build your deck with the game's Deck Editor, with which you can use the credits system to build a deck from over 1300 cards in the default package, excluding the ones you can download on Wagic's forums. You can add your own graphics for the cards, which might be fun if you put your best friend's room for "Swamp" or your mom for "Force of Nature."

    This new version has more than 300 new cards, improved AI, and a new difficulty mode - all that plus a lot of bugfixes for the cards. This one's another entry for the NeoFlash compo, so you know it's good.

    Download: WAgic 0.5.1

    PSP homebrew game: Sonic Aeroboard v1.0

    Homebrew developer Dark_Wolf has released a new game for the PSP called Sonic Aeroboard, a Sonic the Hedgehog-themed arcade shooter game. The objective is simple. Shoot the baddies, get points, look cool. Here are the release notes:

    The game has a very simple objective; you just need to shoot(square button) in the enemies that appear in the screen...each time you kill one you will gain 10 points of win when you have 100 points of score...pretty simple.

    • X - jump
    • directional buttons - move
    • [] - shoot
    • R - Speed
    • start - Pause
    • select - restart
    Download: Sonic Aeroboard v1.0

    PSP homebrew - XMBShell v1.00

    For his entry to the NeoFlash Spring Coding Compo, PSP homebrew dev Total_Noob has decided to go with XMBShell. This particular shell app has a whole load of features and supported files, so I'll keep this short. Here's the feature list:
  • Simple installer
  • 2D text scroll function
  • IntraFont and SCE dialogs
  • Excellent graphics
  • ICON0.PNG and PIC1.PNG included in XMB menu(by SchmilK)
  • Extract 7Z archives
  • Extract RAR and ZIP archives with or without password
  • Choose path to extract archives
  • Start games/homebrews/plugins(ELF, ISO/CSO, PBP and PRX)
  • Run PSX games
  • Load Sony and M33 updater
  • Launch UMD
  • UMD auto-start function
  • "UMD" displayed only, when a UMD inserted is
  • Back to XMBShell, when exit the application
  • Copy, cut, delete, rename, create a new folder in file manager
  • Show properties and size of the file in byte, KB or MB
  • Show properties of folders
  • Use image as wallpaper(press / in Image viewer)
  • Open images(GIF, JPG/JPEG and PNG)
  • Rotate images
  • Blit images fit to screen
  • Animate GIF images
  • Next/previous image function with R and L buttons
  • Show height and width of images under properties
  • Play videos(AVC, PMF and PMP)
  • Play music formats(AA3, AAC, FLAC, MP3, OGG, OMA and OMG)
  • Show Album, Title, Artist, Year and Genre informations of the song
  • Next/previous song function with R and L buttons
  • Pause, resume and play song forward
  • Battery-saver modus(only in Music player)
  • Read all text files(CFG, INI, TXT or other files...)
  • Load flash files(HTM/HTML, PHP and SWF)
  • Download the newest version of XMBShell with the Network Updater
  • Camera function
  • Launch Internet browser(
  • Internet search
  • Load Go!Messenger
  • Connect USB ms0, flash0, flash1, flash2, flash3 or UMD disc
  • Change photo, music, video and game paths
  • Change CPU speed in music player(75, 100, 133, 222, 266, 300 and 333)
  • Take a screenshot with NOTE(music symbol)
  • Change the nickname
  • Change CPU speed(75, 100, 133, 222, 266, 300 and 333)
  • Change password
  • Start control function
  • Use background as original, classic or wallpaper
  • Enable Flash player and WMA playback
  • Restore default settings
  • Show system informations
  • Show battery informations under system-settings
  • Browse in ms0, flash0 and flash1
  • Possibility to editing in flash0 and flash1
  • Show free space of the memory stick in byte, KB or MB
  • Show battery and time
  • Show the version of XMBShell
  • NEOFlash splash screen
  • Reboot XMBshell, reset system, shutdown system, suspend system and exit XMBShell in Exit menu

  • Download: XMBShell v1.00

    Wednesday, March 18, 2009

    PSP homebrew - Ragdoll Cannon v1.8

    Here's another entry to the NeoFlash Spring Coding Compo. This time it's walar's turn to show off his entry, Ragdoll Cannon.

    This PSP homebrew game is a clone of the Flash game of the same name. It's kinda like golf in how you have to try to hit a target in as few shots as possible, only you're doing it by shooting a guy out of a cannon.

    You can unlock levels in campaign mode and replay them in play mode. If you know a bit of Lua, it looks like you can create your own levels as well. Note that only the levels are in Lua script. The game itself is in C++.

    Drop by the forums to give let walar know what you think of Ragdoll Cannon. If you want to see how it stacks up to the original, you can check out the original Flash game here.

    Download: Ragdoll Cannon v1.8

    Tuesday, March 17, 2009

    Follow me on Twitter.

    Follow me on Twitter please click this link:
    I'll be very grateful.

    PSP Homebrew - PopBlocks v1.0.1

    Italian developer Gefa's released his latest version of his PSP homebrew game, PopBlocks v1.0.1. As you can see, this is a clone of the flash puzzle game, Pushori.For this version, there are only a couple of changes made to the game:
    • Added the Neo Flash Spring Compo 2009 splash screen
    • solved a critical bug
    No idea what that critical bug was, but whatever it was, we're just glad it's outta there. For instructions on how to play the game, just make sure to check out the pdf file that comes along with the zip download. Have fun!

    PSP homebrew - jpcsp v0.2 revision 945

    The team behind the jpcsp PSP emulator has once again rolled out a new revision. Jpcsp is a Java-based PSP emulator that lets you play homebrew and some commercial PSP games on your PSP.The changelog for revision 945 is below. You can check this thread for a list of games playable in this build. If you come across a playable game not listed there, post it and share the info.
    • Compared to v0.1 (r812) v0.2 (r945) has significant improvements in the following areas:
      • CPU, VFPU and GE
      • memory
      • callbacks
      • file IO
      • save game/memory stick
    • The following compatibilty options have been added:
      • Only GE graphics
      • Ignore invalid memory access
      • Disable reserved thread memory
      • Disable audio blocking
      • Enable file IO logging window (previously always on)

    Hybrid i5 Portal: password protection, file browser, Media Bar, more

    JDawson is back with another awesome portal, Hybrid i5. It was originally created by Juscal but was completely redesigned by JDawson.

    As elegantly made as his last portal, Hybrid i5 has a lot of features you won't normally find in others, like password protection, a file browser and loader, and even a Media Bar with a built-in messenger. And as the readme says, one feature that makes this portal stand out is the ability to multi-task.

    Here are the portal's features:

    Password Protection
    With a personalisable username and password, no one will be able to use Hybrid but you.

    Flash games
    No more boring long car trips! Sit back, and relax in the back car seat while you play a nice selection of games. Going for really long drive? Don't go. Or, download a game pack from the Gzero website and keep yourself entertained!

    Flash applications
    Show your creativity with a load of Flash applications.

    Internet browser
    An internet browser inside an internet browser? Yep. Browse your own bookmarks and open them or open one of the cool included bookmarks!

    Eye candy graphics
    With clean graphics made with Gimp, you're bound to fall in love with the GUI as soon as you see it.

    GMB - Gzero Media Bar
    Based on the Mac OS X menu bar, the Gzero Media Bar is a feature that has been passed on from Hybrid 2.0. It gives you quick access to all of the things you need to do. The menu bar is built on Javascript, so you can easily play a game while chatting to your friends on the built in messenger (MSN, YIM, AIM, Gtalk).

    File browser and loader
    Simply and easily open images or files with the file opener.

    You can open the following file types:
    * .jpg
    * .png
    * .gif
    * .gif (animated)
    * .htm
    * .html
    * .txt

    There are more openable files, this is just an example.

    Simple GUI
    Never get lost again with Hybrid's easy to use Graphical User Interface. With a basic menu and image based interface, browsing is a breeze.

    One feature that makes Hybrid i5 stand out is the Multi-tasking capability. You can, for example, play a game while chatting to a friend on the messenger, or you can browse the web while using an applicaton.

    Extras Menu
    Here you can find items that are important, but aren't important enough to be on the main menu. These items include news and community.

    Requires Flash Player to be activated.
    Requires WiFi access.

    Thanks to JDawson for giving us the heads up!

    Monday, March 16, 2009

    PSP homebrew - PSP Rubik's Cube v1.4

    Those who've been enjoying Rubik's Cubes will be happy to know that PSP homebrew dev EXTER just upped his PSP Rubik's Cube to v1.4. This already great homebrew game gets better with this update, since you are now able to change the view angle of the cube to 36 degrees and up.
    That's the only item in the changelog, but it's sure a helpful one if the frustration of having to trial-and-error is getting to you.

    Download: PSP Rubik's Cube v1.4

    PSP homebrew - RemoteJoyLite v0.20a

    Homebrew dev Akind has released a new update for RemoteJoyLite. If you haven't come across it yet, RemoteJoyLite is a PSP plugin that lets you output video from your PSP to your PC monitor.

    Akind says that this release, v0.20a, is still in alpha phase, so expect bugs. Here are the developer's notes regarding this release. These have just been Google-translated from Japanese, so forgive the weird syntax.
    • PSP I have enough space to change the plug-in from internal addressing system when a buffer to store the screen. Since the increased use of plug-in memory, so you may run out of memory and have enabled a lot of plug-in.
    • USB plug-in processing of waste so that the source of around a big improvement, but the transfer has decreased and may have entered a new bug because of a lack of check work.
    • Akira Osamu missing because the corresponding sources of image transfer, image transfer system "TYPE1 outside", I have sealed.
    The Akira Osamu part totally threw me at first, so here's another translation of that third item:
    • Because the correction of the source in the image forwarding part correspondence was not in time, "Excluding TYPE1" of the image forwarding method is sealed.
    Download: RemoteJoyLite v0.20a

    Sunday, March 15, 2009

    PSP homebrew airstrike game: Apollonia v0.03

    Code Tactics has updated their top-down homebrew airstrike game for the PSP (and Mac, Linux, and PC too). Apollonia v0.03 is said to be more of a maintenance release, and as far as the PSP goes, it's gotten some improved performance. And that's always a good thing. Here's the full changelog encompassing all platform versions:
    • Added some new buildings.
    • Improved performance on PSP.
    • Improved particle engine.
    • Fixed renderer to support OpenGL versions less that 2.0.
    • Fixed crash in control screen.
    • Fixed error in paths to resources in Linux.
    The math involved in the game's code has been cleaned up for the PSP version, and with that improvement in place, they'd be able to put in cooler effects in the future versions.

    Download: Apollonia v0.03

    Saturday, March 14, 2009

    iR Shell v4.92 Update Released

    AhMan kicks off this weekend with a [minor] iR Shell update for all y’all. No, no advanced multi-tasking just yet; however, iR Shell 4.92 introduces support for Dark_AleX’s Legacy Software Loader (LEDA), increases the RemoteJoy frame rate for PS1 games, and fixes a couple bugs.

    AhMan also notes –

    The advancded multi-tasking feature is now in beta testing and will be released when it’s ready. I got emails from various people asking if there is any way to join the iR Shell beta testing. I’ll make an official announcement here. For donators who donate US$15 or more, you will receive an invite email to the private forum which you can download iR Shell SE releases (Special Editions / Betas) and also obtain technical support.

    iR Shell 4.92 changes:

    • Added support to Dark_AleX’s LEDA. Pls note iR Shell only supports LEDA version 0.2. To enable LEDA support within iR Shell, enable the option “Legacy Homebrew Support via DA’s LEDA” under iR Configurator.
    • Increase remotejoy framerate to around 30 FPS while running PS1 games.
    • Fixed most game audio stuttering while mp3 is playing.
    • Fixed PPA plugin crashing with nethostfs/usbhostfs access.

    Install: merge the iR Shell 4.92 update files with your existing iR Shell 4.9 or 4.91 installation. Otherwise, download the full 4.9 package and manually apply this update.

    Download: iR Shell v4.92 (UPDATE)

    Download: iR Shell v4.92 (FULL)
    Download: iR Shell v4.92 Skin Pack
    Download: USBHostFS/ NETHost FS

    Friday, March 13, 2009

    Sony: PS3 will always have Blu-ray, no PSP phone in the works

    Janco Partners analyst Mike Hickey will probably forever be known to gamers as the guy who said Sony would rip Blu-ray out of the PS3 in order to cut down its price tag.

    I still don't think that's gonna happen, and so does Sony, apparently. Speaking to Business Insider, Sony marketing manager Kim Nguyen had this to say:

    That would pretty much destroy the PS3's backbone, our games were built on Blu-ray. Quote that: Blu-ray will always be part of PS3.

    Sony execs also reiterated that they will not offer a cheaper, offline-only PS3 with an online play function that can only be accessed by paying an annual fee. As Sony exec Susan Panico said, "Online gaming is like a First Amendment right."

    Panico also said that they have "nothing to announce" regarding a PS3-optimized interface for streaming internet video ala Microsoft's Netflix service. There may be something similar coming in the future, though, as she also told Business Insider to "stay tuned".

    They also touched a bit on the seemingly-immortal PSP phone rumor, saying that they are working on nothing of the sort. For now, PSP users will have to make do with Wifi-tethered VoIP. They didn't say anything about the PSP-4000 though.

    And the PS3 price cuts? Not gonna happen. But then that's really nothing new.

    PSP homebrew - Vista Portable 1.00 Open Beta

    Vista Portable is a Lua shell from Pihas and Deagle. This release is just an open beta, but the devs are aiming to incorporate a download feature that lets users download updates, homebrew, plugins, and emulators. Here's an overview of how far they've gotten:
    • Updating via internet (100%)
    • File Browser (60%)
    • Homebrews downloading from support center (80%)
    • Settings window (80%)
    • Vista Interface (90%)
    • Mouse menu, menu moving (20%)
    • Windows controling: minimize, restore, close (80%)
    If you have any suggestions or bug reports, drop the devs a line on the QJ.NET PSP Development forum by clicking the Visit link below.

    Download: Vista Portable 1.00 Open Beta

    PSP Ultimate Repair Guide v1

    Here's a nicely compiled repair guide for your PSP, organized by wanclickid, and duly tipped to us by pspx256. The PSP Ultimate Repair Guide v.1 provides you a step by step how-to on several hardware issues.
    Featured in this tutorial are the steps for PSP disassembly, LED tutorial, what to do when your UMD does not read, power switch replacement, analog replacement, and more tips for repair. It's actually simplified yet comprehensive, so am sure it'll be helpful to the new users out there. Only thing lacking for me would be a "Back to Menu" button.

    Download: PSP Ultimate Repair Guide v1

    Another PSP dev kit spotted on eBay

    Remember that PSP dev kit that showed up on eBay in 2006? Nobody got that one since Sony managed to get it removed before a final deal was set, but now here's another guy selling yet another PSP dev kit.
    The seller says that it already comes with everything you need to get it up and running, including a PSP test unit that has one dead pixel. No mention of how the seller got his hands on this thing since as far as I know, Sony just licenses dev kits to game developers.

    The current bid is just US$ 222.50 with the bidding ending on March 16. Let's see if someone manages to buy this before Sony gets it taken down as well.

    Thanks to deyanimay for the tip!

    Thursday, March 12, 2009

    PSPi v0.1 for Windows NT Released

    Don’t let the title fool you — PSPi works under just about any version of Windows — it’s not NT only. So with that said, get your hex hack attack on with RainMotorsports’ PSPi.

    Quoting Rain –

    It’s a little rough around the edges but it’ll do for now. I didn’t have the time to implement removable drive or PSP detection for this version so you have to type the drive letter, and I recommend using a capital letter.

    Available functions include: Standard SCSI Query, Format Memory Stick (Device Level), Retrieve Unknown Data, Retrieve USB String, Retrieve Firmware Version, Retrieve Nickname.

    NOTE: Submitting a Query for Format Memory Stick will format your memory stick.
    NOTE: Firmware Version and Nickname can only be pulled on Firmwares 2.00 and newer.

    If bytes to pull is less than what’s put out the command fails, the app is currently only setup to handle 128 bytes as none more is needed but I will allow more in the future. The app will select the known length when you change queries.

    Download: PSPi v0.1

    Bookr v8.1: PDF bug fixed, GUI enhancements, DJVU support

    Developer nct2k is back with a new update to his Bookr mod, which is now on version 8.1. The all-purpose document reader has been updated with new features, new enhancements, and also new bug fixes. Here's the changelog:
    • Fixed crash when opening PDF file which has many pages.
    • Enhance MuPDF, uses less memory.
    • Merged with latest source code from CVS with following enhancements:
      • DJVU support by Yang.Hu
      • Control/GUI enhancements by Christian Payeur
    Download: Bookr v8.1

    Wednesday, March 11, 2009

    Sony: PSP was "under-supported," UMD wasn't brilliant, more snack-type games

    Ray Maguire, Sony UK's senior VP and MD, admitted to a couple of things during a recent interview, like how Sony's been letting the PSP slip last year, and how they're confident that it's really going to pick up this year. Sounds like a speech in an AA meeting.

    Anyway, of the more interesting things he admitted was that the PSP was "slightly under-supported" in the past year, "mainly because a lot of the energy was going into stuff we're doing for PlayStation 3." He also mentioned how the UMD contributed to this too, saying it "wasn't brilliant for third parties, either."

    However, he does say that things are looking bright for this year:

    I think we had a bit of a barren year last year, and this year we seem to have a bumper crop. [...] We do have that confidence this year - many things are happening with the PSP.

    The online side of it is developing nicely, and there are clearly lots of great games for it this year, but also we're introducing new colours - so it starts to become much more desirable for a wider range of consumers. This year is the year that PSP puts its head up proudly.

    You know what, no one in the games industry has really been a serious contender in this market place, whether it be the GameGear, the Atari Lynx, or Gizmondo... but 50 million later the PSP is pretty strong.

    His enthusiasm is apparent of Sony's overall plan for the PSP, which we've been hearing a lot about the past few months. Another interesting bit he said during the interview was that:

    My gut feeling though is that people are looking for more snack-type content, and the downloads side of it will increasingly become a bigger part of its future. It's also something that development can get into at a much, much lower entry cost, and I think we can see this everywhere, [...] there is an appetite for smaller, snack-type games.

    It certainly doesn't point outright to an incoming UMD-less PSP model, as David Perry keeps insisting, but it does sound like more PSN downloads is part of Sony's plan to reinvigorate the PSP.

    PSP homebrew - CalculMp3 v3, now a scientific calculator

    PSP homebrew developer mrafenne brings us the third version of his CalculMp3 app. This isn't a regular calculator anymore, it now has all the features of a scientific calculator, complete with mp3 support while doing your algebra and trigonometry for you.
    As for the changelog, well, the new scientific functions are just about it. Sine, cosine, tangent, you name it. While some may not have uses for a scientific calculator very often, having a smart app like this one may have its uses. Good luck trying to convince your professors to let you use your PSP during an exam.

    Download: CalculMp3 v3

    PSP Homebrew: PSP Live TV

    French homebrew developer j13dj has released PSP Live TV, an application that will let you watch TV feeds on your PSP. It has 14 channels, all said, except they're all French channels. Time to practice saying your bonjour, monsieur, and... gracias?

    Anyway, if you do decide to try this out, be aware that it is, how do you say, tres buggy. Here are the release notes:

    There are 14 channels: BFM TV, TF1, NRJ Hit, Tfou, NRJ Dance, Eurosport, MCM Top, RFI, and others I forgot ... ^ ^

    I need help to change it because there are bugs I just change the config Psptube and you can see the brief TV HELP ...

    To Use: High Low button to move, select a channel X, O Back, A Second List.

    Download: PSP Live TV

    Tuesday, March 10, 2009

    PSPluginInfo v0.3: display info, change PSP settings

    Mickael2054, author of PSPNotes and Dualboot, has released a new version of PSPluginInfo, a plugin that displays information about your PSP. It also allows you to change several of your PSP's settings. Here are the release notes (translated from French via Google):

    PSPluginInfo, as its name suggests, is a prx that provides various information on the PSP! It allows, among other things, to show you the percentage of battery in the XMB, warn the user if it is low battery, display a menu of information (VOL + and START), enable / disable the LED Power (VOL + and R), " block "the Power (VOL + and L), set the brightness to maximum (VOL + and above), set the brightness at minimum (VOL + and BAS), change the brightness levels of 15% (VOL + and RIGHT / LEFT) ...

    XMB Function codes:
    • VOLHAUT + UP -> Brightness + 15
    • VOLHAUT + DOWN -> Brightness - 15
    • VOLHAUT + LEFT -> Brightness MIN
    • VOLHAUT + RIGHT -> Brightness MAX
    • Copy "PSPPluginInfo.prx" in "ms0: / SEPLUGINS" and add the following line to vsh.txt:ms0: / seplugins / PSPluginInfo.prx

    Download: PSPPluginInfo v0.3

    Monday, March 9, 2009

    PSP Homebrew: GuitarStar v1.02

    Rock Band may be officially coming to the PSP, but thankfully, homebrew developer festi hasn't stopped developing the homebrew version of the game yet.

    Here's a new version of GuitarStar, the Guitar Hero clone for the PSP, with all new... something. No changelog was released, but I'm sure it's better one way or another. This version was actually released late last month, but it was released so quietly that we only got wind of it now (thanks, ohlin5!).

    If you notice anything new with the app, just give a holler in the comments below and share it with the rest of us.

    Thanks again to ohlin5 for the tip!

    Download: GuitarStar v1.02

    Sunday, March 8, 2009

    PSP homebrew portal: PSPPOD 2G final release

    PSP homebrew developer JDawson was kind enough to give us permission to put this up. It's the final version of his homebrew iPhone-themed portal, PSPPOD 2G.

    The latest realese of PSPPOD is out and the second generation is looking great with new features such as:

    • New design including new icons wallpaper,
    • added PSPOP, fixed minor bugs, made it more compatible with the pc, added online psp gaming, added text editor, added paint
    • changed boot screen, fixed issues with music, changed Google maps to a psp compatible map viewer with satellite, new wallpaper chosser, New boot screen and much much More!
    Download: PSPPOD 2G final release

    Saturday, March 7, 2009

    UK Gov't Ad Campaign links early death to gaming

    The last time we had an article on a Change 4 Life campaign, it was when the group supposedly linked gaming to obesity. The ad was fine and I thought that the publishers who rejected it were taking it out of context. This time, however, it seems a little different. Another Change 4 Life ad, printed this time, shows a kid leaning back, holding a PS3 controller and lazily playing games, with a title that reads, "Risk an Early Death, Just Do Nothing." Poking on the same buttons are they?

    The ad, which appeared on women's lifestyle publications in the UK such as Star, Reveal, and Heat, is part of Change 4 Life's campaign against increasing stationary or lazy lifestyles, triggered in part by gaming.

    The Market for Computer and Video Games UK (MCV UK) has already filed a formal complaint with the Advertising Standards Authority, saying the ad is "unfair and inaccurate." They're now calling on gamers and people in the industry to join their protest. Since the ad appears on women's publications, it implies that parents shouldn't get games for their kids. Fortunately, 74% of parents in the UK believe that gaming is educational.

    Unlike the video before, this one has gaming up front, right below such a title. But no direct attack has been made. This is a campaign against "doing nothing" which is a fair campaign with a just cause. The implications are kinda anti-gaming though. If Change 4 Life really blames gaming for shorter lives, then that'd be like suing McDonald's for getting so many people fat.

    As always, moderation is key. Gaming is fun, but if you spend all day in front of the tube holding a controller, that ain't cool anymore. Take it easy and go for a walk (not just over to the fridge, please haha jk). Let's not give gaming critics any reason to think they're right.

    That's just gnarly, dood: trippy Gnarly Pong homebrew demo

    Oh, no, it's not just any kind of Pong. It's Gnarly Pong. And how different is it from the bajillion homebrew Pong clones we've seen out there? Well, for one, Gnarly Pong isn't much a game as it is actually more of a demo.

    Gnarly Pong from a_noob (who we know from the past has made some other trippy homebrew projects) doesn't have any function, really. You can't play it. Launching it on your PSP simply gives you lots of pretty images. Umm, sorry, gnarly images, I mean.

    See, it's a demo of a Gear Works Engine, showing it in action. The pong paddles on the screen are controlled via AI vs AI, with saturated colors stretching around the screen. Yeah, definitely gnarly.

    For all intents and purposes, you can use it as some sort of screensaver if you want (I'm thinking... it could probably work with Art's XMB Screensaver tool, though I haven't tested this idea out yet). But for now, just check it out and see for yourself.

    Download: Gnarly Pong

    Thursday, March 5, 2009

    Daedalusx64 plans for Beta 3: new GUI, bug squishing..

    With Beta 2 in the hands of the public now, the Daedalusx64 team is now working on the next version. Developer Kreationz gave the community an update on what the team's plans are for Beta 3, which includes a new GUI, and some major bug squishing. Here's Kreationz's post:

    Sorry, I haven't posted here in a long while. With Beta 2 successfully out the door over the weekend. I thought it was time for an update from myself as far what my plans are for Beta 3. I wasn't as active this time around, except in the background this time around, but Howard and Strmn's work was amazing.

    Having fallen way behind, I plan to start on the new GUI (a Coverflow kinda of GUI with some extra ideas I had.) I also am going to try to get as many of the bugs in the Bug tracker closed as possible and take a look at why Async audio is unstable. Finally, I am going to look at making all the Buffers Dynamic based on ROM size, PSP type, etc...

    Howard plans to move at least part of the CPU to the ME. Wally and Salvy are going to make sure the Microcodes are correct. Not sure about Chilly's or Strmn Plans, but I know Strmn, plans on some code clean-up. Well that's it for now enjoy the release. Don't know when I'll update this next, probably when I get started on the parts I plan on working on.

    And that's it for now. We'll let you know if there are any more updates from the team. How are you guys doing with Beta 2?

    Final Fantasy I gets the OpenBOR treatment

    I haven't tried this one out for myself yet, but being an 8-bit Theatre fan I'm pretty sure I'm gonna enjoy it. This game demo from NickyP is a fighting game based on the original NES Final Fantasy I using the OpenBOR engine.

    It's a simple game, but fun nevertheless. It even has three game modes, and six playable characters. Here are the release details:

    ~Game Modes~
    • Story Mode (Classic): Play through the story of Final Fantasy! Features the original NES music for all stages (and WonderSwan music for boss battles)!
    • Story Mode (Arranged): The exact same thing as (Classic) mode, only this one features the PSX remixes for all stages!
    • Arcade Mode: For quick play. Fight through the main villains of Final Fantasy, arcade style!
    This is a ONE BUTTONED MOD! Meaning that you'll play with only ONE BUTTON! And that button is: the Attack button. Of course you still move around with the directional keys, but, that's a given really.

    ~Close-range Characters~
    (All close-range characters can attack up to 3 consecutive hits)
    • Fighter: The "default" character. You can't go wrong using this guy.
    • Thief: Has shorter range than a Fighter, but moves a lot quicker.
    • Red Mage: Practically the same as Fighter.
    • Black Belt: Practically the same as Fighter.
    ~Long-range Characters~
    (All long-range characters can attack up to 2 consecutive hits)
    • Black Mage: Launches a fireball that goes a good distance then disappears. Because of this, he can kill multiple enemies in a row as his fireball travels, but he cannot move until it disappears.
    • White Mage: He can attack just as far as Black Mage can, but his magic is a set distance. What I mean is, it doesn't travel like the BM's fireball. Because of this, it may make him the harder character to play as you have to "aim" with him, but what he has over the Black Mage is shorter attack time, meaning he could almost attack twice in the time it takes the BM to attack once.
    • Orb: Pick this up to automatically kill all enemies on the screen.
    • Crystal: Pick this up to fully heal the player that picked it up.
    ~OpenBOR Version~
    • I personally tested this on OpenBOR 2.2038... however, this mod doesn't use many new commands, so it may even work on previous versions (NOTE: This mod does NOT use the Jump button, so pressing the Jump button on older versions may make the game crash). But really, you should always use the latest version available, can't go wrong with that.
    • Now, contrary to what I've recently been releasing, you will not find fancy-shmancy combos here. Nope, this a very simple mod... every character has one attack, and all normal non-boss enemies die in one hit. I recommend playing with 2 or more players!
    For more information, please go through the readme. You can get the OpenBOR engine by following the link in the related articles section.

    Thanks to NickyP for the heads up!

    Download: Final Fantasy I demo for OpenBOR


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