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    Friday, March 13, 2009

    Sony: PS3 will always have Blu-ray, no PSP phone in the works

    Janco Partners analyst Mike Hickey will probably forever be known to gamers as the guy who said Sony would rip Blu-ray out of the PS3 in order to cut down its price tag.

    I still don't think that's gonna happen, and so does Sony, apparently. Speaking to Business Insider, Sony marketing manager Kim Nguyen had this to say:

    That would pretty much destroy the PS3's backbone, our games were built on Blu-ray. Quote that: Blu-ray will always be part of PS3.

    Sony execs also reiterated that they will not offer a cheaper, offline-only PS3 with an online play function that can only be accessed by paying an annual fee. As Sony exec Susan Panico said, "Online gaming is like a First Amendment right."

    Panico also said that they have "nothing to announce" regarding a PS3-optimized interface for streaming internet video ala Microsoft's Netflix service. There may be something similar coming in the future, though, as she also told Business Insider to "stay tuned".

    They also touched a bit on the seemingly-immortal PSP phone rumor, saying that they are working on nothing of the sort. For now, PSP users will have to make do with Wifi-tethered VoIP. They didn't say anything about the PSP-4000 though.

    And the PS3 price cuts? Not gonna happen. But then that's really nothing new.

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