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    Tuesday, March 10, 2009

    PSPluginInfo v0.3: display info, change PSP settings

    Mickael2054, author of PSPNotes and Dualboot, has released a new version of PSPluginInfo, a plugin that displays information about your PSP. It also allows you to change several of your PSP's settings. Here are the release notes (translated from French via Google):

    PSPluginInfo, as its name suggests, is a prx that provides various information on the PSP! It allows, among other things, to show you the percentage of battery in the XMB, warn the user if it is low battery, display a menu of information (VOL + and START), enable / disable the LED Power (VOL + and R), " block "the Power (VOL + and L), set the brightness to maximum (VOL + and above), set the brightness at minimum (VOL + and BAS), change the brightness levels of 15% (VOL + and RIGHT / LEFT) ...

    XMB Function codes:
    • VOLHAUT + UP -> Brightness + 15
    • VOLHAUT + DOWN -> Brightness - 15
    • VOLHAUT + LEFT -> Brightness MIN
    • VOLHAUT + RIGHT -> Brightness MAX
    • Copy "PSPPluginInfo.prx" in "ms0: / SEPLUGINS" and add the following line to vsh.txt:ms0: / seplugins / PSPluginInfo.prx

    Download: PSPPluginInfo v0.3

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