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    Wednesday, March 4, 2009

    PSP doing a Virtual Console? Sony wants non-Sony classics on PSP

    While the PSP homebrew community's been enjoying emulators since... ever... Sony is only just wising up to the idea that there are old fogeys out there who want to play retro games on the PSP. According to John Koller, the table is open right now for even non-Sony games to appear as downloads on the PSN.

    In general there’s a lot of discussion about [publishers'] back catalogs that will finally find its way to PlayStation Network in the back half of this year. PSOne is included, but everything is on the table…

    We look for some of those big hits from all of the past games in their history and look for ways we can bring them over. It’s not always easy. There’s obviously technical areas that need to be bridged. But when those are solved, consumers will see a wide variety of retro games and brand new games coming to PSN.

    Sounds like the kind of service Nintendo is already offering on the Wii's Virtual Console. Certainly mature of them to offer non-Sony games as well. Retro games will certainly be a welcome sight on the PSN, especially some classic ones from the SNES era. Chrono Trigger and Link to the Past first please, Sony.

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