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    Thursday, March 5, 2009

    EA announcing new title from EA Montreal next Thursday

    What's next for EA Montreal? Well, there's Need for Speed Nitro for the Nintendo's Wii and DS consoles, but apparently that's not the only project the studio is working on.

    Electronic Arts has revealed in a press release that they will be publicly announcing a new game from EA Montreal next Thursday, March 12. "Local media" (those in Montreal, presumably), will get an advance presentation on the 9th, but EA has put an embargo on game impressions and interviews until March 16.

    EA didn't give out any clues as to what the mystery game is, but my money is on an Army of Two (PS3, 360) sequel. We haven't heard anything about the planned movie in a while (IMDB has a tentaive release date of 2011), so EA could be planning to release the sequel alongside or near the movie's launch. And better that than another Boogie title.

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