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    Sunday, March 22, 2009

    There will be retribution! Resistance devs comment on PSP piracy and online cheaters

    So whatever happened during the dev chat scheduled a few days ago for Resistance: Retribution? Well, most of it had generic questions from the fans: talk of Infected Mode and whether it's actually part of story canon (watch the ending!), plans for DLC (none!), PSP-to-PS3 connectivity, and other matters.

    Here are a couple interesting exchanges between the fans and the devs (namely John Garvin and Chris Reese) at Sony Bend. The first has someone asking about how piracy affects them, while the second one has someone asking about the people who've been cheating online:

    [Comment From KingsoraBe]

    It really hurts me to see awesome PSP games selling bad because of piracy. What do you guys think about that your games get downloaded. Does it hurt when you see people talking about a downloader version of your game. Because even as a gamer I really hate it that people play the game in this way.

    John Garvin: King: I wish pirates / players understood how much they were hurting developers on the PSP. If a dev can't make money on a platform, they won't put money into the games. For every game they pirate -- especially if it's a game they *finish* and had fun with and a game they go online with -- it hurts our ability to make a similar game next time.

    [Comment From muhu] What are you going to do with those who cheat online? I've grown tired of encountering them in every other match I play.

    Chris Reese: We are actively looking into the online cheating and logging information on the cheaters. There will be Retribution!

    Take note that this dev chat happened the other day, right after Retribution just got released. And even at that time, the devs already knew about the online cheaters. If you happen to be one of them, beware, beware, beware!

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