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    Sunday, March 1, 2009

    Guinness World Records names its 50 most influential games of all time

    Guinness World Records EIC Craig Glenday put together an unspecified group of industry experts to form a judging panel and rated the most influential games of all time. So who makes it to the top of their list? Keep your favorites in mind, then find out on the list below.

    1. Super Mario Kart
    26. Pokemon Red / Blue
    2. Tetris27. Guitar Hero
    3. Grand Theft Auto
    28. Project Gotham Racing 4
    4. Super Mario World
    29. Super Mario Galaxy
    5. Zelda Ocarina of Time
    30. Resident Evil
    6. Halo
    31. Ico
    7. Resident Evil IV
    32. Chrono Trigger
    8. Final Fantasy XII
    33. Gunstar Heroes
    9. Street Fighter II
    34. Soul Calibur
    10. GoldenEye
    35. Advance Wars
    11. Super Mario 64
    36. Ridge Racer
    12. Tomb Raider
    37. Super Metroid
    13. Metal Gear Solid
    38. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
    14. Call of Duty 4
    39. GTA Vice City
    15. Sonic the Hedgehog 2
    40. BioShock
    16. GTA San Andreas
    41. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
    17. Super Mario Bros.
    42. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
    18. Zelda: A Link to the Past
    43. God of War
    19. Gran Turismo
    44. Sega Rally Championship
    20. Final Fantasy VII
    45. Starfox 64
    21. Pro Evolution Soccer 4
    46. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
    22. The Orange Box
    47. WarioWare Inc.
    23. Lego Star Wars Complete Saga
    48. Saturn Bomberman
    24. Tekken 2
    49. Crash Bandicoot
    25. Wii Sports
    50. Outrun 2

    My first reaction was, "WTF?!" While I really enjoyed Super Mario Kart in the SNES days and spent countless hours playing and mastering it, I don't believe it should even be in the Top 10, much less #1. What's Street Fighter II doing all the way down at #9? I firmly believe it made a hell lot more influence than that, it was the springboard for modern fighting games! Then again, that's just me.

    There are a lot more titles and ranks up there that I couldn't believe my eyes seeing, but I'm sure you guys have a lot to say about that list. There wasn't any info given on the criteria on which the judging was made. One thing's for sure, I'd like to know more about this group of "industry experts."

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