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    Saturday, March 7, 2009

    That's just gnarly, dood: trippy Gnarly Pong homebrew demo

    Oh, no, it's not just any kind of Pong. It's Gnarly Pong. And how different is it from the bajillion homebrew Pong clones we've seen out there? Well, for one, Gnarly Pong isn't much a game as it is actually more of a demo.

    Gnarly Pong from a_noob (who we know from the past has made some other trippy homebrew projects) doesn't have any function, really. You can't play it. Launching it on your PSP simply gives you lots of pretty images. Umm, sorry, gnarly images, I mean.

    See, it's a demo of a Gear Works Engine, showing it in action. The pong paddles on the screen are controlled via AI vs AI, with saturated colors stretching around the screen. Yeah, definitely gnarly.

    For all intents and purposes, you can use it as some sort of screensaver if you want (I'm thinking... it could probably work with Art's XMB Screensaver tool, though I haven't tested this idea out yet). But for now, just check it out and see for yourself.

    Download: Gnarly Pong

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