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    Thursday, March 5, 2009

    Final Fantasy I gets the OpenBOR treatment

    I haven't tried this one out for myself yet, but being an 8-bit Theatre fan I'm pretty sure I'm gonna enjoy it. This game demo from NickyP is a fighting game based on the original NES Final Fantasy I using the OpenBOR engine.

    It's a simple game, but fun nevertheless. It even has three game modes, and six playable characters. Here are the release details:

    ~Game Modes~
    • Story Mode (Classic): Play through the story of Final Fantasy! Features the original NES music for all stages (and WonderSwan music for boss battles)!
    • Story Mode (Arranged): The exact same thing as (Classic) mode, only this one features the PSX remixes for all stages!
    • Arcade Mode: For quick play. Fight through the main villains of Final Fantasy, arcade style!
    This is a ONE BUTTONED MOD! Meaning that you'll play with only ONE BUTTON! And that button is: the Attack button. Of course you still move around with the directional keys, but, that's a given really.

    ~Close-range Characters~
    (All close-range characters can attack up to 3 consecutive hits)
    • Fighter: The "default" character. You can't go wrong using this guy.
    • Thief: Has shorter range than a Fighter, but moves a lot quicker.
    • Red Mage: Practically the same as Fighter.
    • Black Belt: Practically the same as Fighter.
    ~Long-range Characters~
    (All long-range characters can attack up to 2 consecutive hits)
    • Black Mage: Launches a fireball that goes a good distance then disappears. Because of this, he can kill multiple enemies in a row as his fireball travels, but he cannot move until it disappears.
    • White Mage: He can attack just as far as Black Mage can, but his magic is a set distance. What I mean is, it doesn't travel like the BM's fireball. Because of this, it may make him the harder character to play as you have to "aim" with him, but what he has over the Black Mage is shorter attack time, meaning he could almost attack twice in the time it takes the BM to attack once.
    • Orb: Pick this up to automatically kill all enemies on the screen.
    • Crystal: Pick this up to fully heal the player that picked it up.
    ~OpenBOR Version~
    • I personally tested this on OpenBOR 2.2038... however, this mod doesn't use many new commands, so it may even work on previous versions (NOTE: This mod does NOT use the Jump button, so pressing the Jump button on older versions may make the game crash). But really, you should always use the latest version available, can't go wrong with that.
    • Now, contrary to what I've recently been releasing, you will not find fancy-shmancy combos here. Nope, this a very simple mod... every character has one attack, and all normal non-boss enemies die in one hit. I recommend playing with 2 or more players!
    For more information, please go through the readme. You can get the OpenBOR engine by following the link in the related articles section.

    Thanks to NickyP for the heads up!

    Download: Final Fantasy I demo for OpenBOR

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